Common Signs and Symptoms of a Sick Cat
- Bad breath
- Change in appetite or water intake/output
- Change in behavior or routine
- Growling/hissing/inappropriate meowing or vocalization
- Hiding
- Limping
- Sleeping more than normal, acting mopey or lethargic
- Unable to sit or lie down comfortably. (Painful)
- Weight loss
- Digestive System:
- Hair coat/Skin:
- Matted or oily hair coat/hair loss
- Scratching/licking/biting at fur, skin, feet, ears
- Visible wounds or lesions
- Respiratory:
- Breathing fast or shallow. Breathing with mouth open.
- Congestion
- Coughing
- Loss of or change in meow
- Runny nose
- Runny or glassy looking eyes
- Sneezing
- Squinting eyes or visible 3rd eyelids
- Urinary:
- Going to the litter box frequently
- Straining/trying to urinate with no or little success
- Urinating in places other than the litter box (look for blood)
- Very small or very large amounts of urine in the box